Teacher Lesly Pierre Paul about the New Vision Art School in Port-au-Prince

Lesly Pierre Paul opened his New Vision art school in 2016 and says: “It is my mission for this community especially children and young people. A great friend from Australia told me that he would support me every month to buy art supplies and food for students. I started this art school with only 8 kids and I work with them every sunday. But I still think someday I will have more children and young people in art school.

My mission was so difficult because I can’t support them like I have to. After 2 years I started to buy the best artwork produced in each semester. At this point students will make more progress in the arts. In 2017 my students and I showed works in Argentina (Universo art kids) and This Is It Gallery in Chicago in 2018, 2019 and 2020. I realize that I am doing a great job for my community. It is a blessing to teach children and young people the hope that one day I will show their works everywhere in the world. You can find the school on Facebook and Instagram.”

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Read more articles about Haiti and this crowdfunding here.